The front page of the local press today was covered with a large photographic depiction of Saddam Hussein and emblazoned with Saddam executed. For me, the question is are they are others out there who are, whilst not ‘surprised’ – for lack of a better word – at the somewhat common fetishising of murder in the name of justice, basing their opposition to this state sanctioned murder on a considered reasoning? I feel, perhaps panoptically, a need to contextualise. I am not a denier or conspiracy theorist. He was a horrible person who committed many many atrocities. The charge of ‘crimes against h…

I have wanted to write about the film V for Vendetta for some time now. I have held back to give myself some time to critically think on it and watch it a few more times. In one line, I guess I can describe it as the best mainstream film dealing with issues of anarchism, nonviolence and our complicity/consent in perpetuating inequality – by far. It may come to be one of my favourite films of all time! With each time I watch it, I pick up more and more subtle inclusions that further increase my appreciation of the Wachowski brothers efforts in putting it toget…