about 1 minute to read

Those who check this site (if anyone does) somewhat occasionally, would notice a completely new design. This is my own design that I finally got to a working state on August 28th and am now currently beta testing. This is my first self‐designed drupal site (drupal is the community plumbing that powers this site) and my largest foray in using CSS for layout. I spent several weeks attempting to removing bugs that I ended up not being able find, so restarted the coding three times until, all of a sudden, it worked. So here is v1.0 beta.

To provide an rss news feed — something I had waited on doing until I got this new design working — I spent some time looking on the web for sources. I wanted both something with animal news and something more directly related to struggle against our consumer capitalist mediated world. It was through this search that I found a host of new sites that I had not come across including vegan freak, animal voices and Erik’s diner. All three of these sites have podcasts — the first two I have found quite good through my brief listens to date. The Erik’s diner episde, however, I have found something he has said that I significantly and fundamentally disagree with:

Animal‐Free Meat, VegNews Awards, PETA Controversy, Poultry Blaze, Meat Institute Comedy, Chicken Super Bugs, the Boys and the Bees (August 18, 3:58 PM ET)…



musings on life, love and existing...