I have not afforded myself space to write for quite a time. The reasons are multiple. In part, life is a vague and apt — if reductionist — descriptor. A short catch-all that has its meanings for me, and different, specific and relevant, meanings for many-most of us. Life is and has been in flux. In transition. In many ways liminal. An ongoing journey with its own un/foreseen experiences... I have started to write a handful of times or so, seeking to peer through uncertainties, challenges. Seeking direction. Many thoughts were rendered, left incomplete. Not quite there. Requiring more reflectio…

Is interesting how things change in life — priorities, desires, the way we relate to each other, what we do and our expectations (amongst many other things). Our lives are very structured, sometimes in ways we do not necessarily like and some speak out against and seek to challenge. It seems that when we are young (perhaps I am romanticising) there are more things that we would like to do than the time required to do them. When older, if/when we find we have substantial free time available it seems some (many, most?) of us are at a loss for what to do… A quick response to this is we are produc…

I have posted previously about bands/music and have given a bit of thought of late to music that has had an influence on me. This is partly due to the million-and-one quizzes abounding on stalkerbook of late, and the release of Supporting Caste by Propaghandi in the last month. I have appreciated their lyrics and tunes for a long time, having the opportunity to see them in Australia in 1996 and in their home town of Winnipeg in 2006 (unfortunately I missed their recent Australian tour as I was in Canada). My anticipation of their new disc was heightened knowing friends were talking to Chris fo…