The title of this musing is a reference (perhaps part homage) to a line in — a direct quote from — the 1990 film Pump Up the Volume. With the main character played by Christian Slater. His alter ego in the film is DJ Hard Harry (a contrast to his introverted self, Mark Hunter, who’s is struggling to exist with finding themself and surviving in the world in the context of 1980s‐ neoliberalism, conservativism and identifiable elements of early eco‐anxiety to name a few). The full quote is I don’t mind being dejected and rejected, but I’m not going to be ashamed about it. …

Th Australian Federal Police (AFP) raids on the Sydney headquarters of the Australia Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) on 5 June 2019 — one day after a seperate raid on a Journalists home — have provided a writ large context for questions about press freedom and the role of the State. These raids coincidentally took place when the Conservative Prime Minister was out of the country (in England with USA President Trump and others on the 75th anniversary of D-Day) — making it easier for him to avoid media and public scrutiny. The ABC has faced relentless pressure by the Conservative (neoliberal) fed…