One of the most notorious posts on this blog was published in 2006 (when I had more time available to pen and share thoughts), and has received more than 70,000 views. The post was quite a scathing critique of Steve Best. For example: The sweeping generalisations, clear lack of knowledge, awareness and understandings of that which he authoritatively comments on, and the lack of critical reflexive awareness are very surprising. The harshness of the post was perhaps a little over‐enthusiastic, and rooted in my own arrogance as much as some of what I was commenting on. Refle…

There is so much to write about, that I have not managed to put something together… I have decided to include someone else’s reflections on the last weeks G20 protests in Toronto, as a prelude: Propaghandi | Cop Car Burned! All Criticisms of Global Capitalism Rendered Moot! i don’t endorse violence. i don’t think it’s the ideal way forward to a better society. i think all sane people would agree. heck, i don’t even endorse vandalism in the “service” of social change. i’m conservative that way. but the disproportionate reaction (to the disproportionate mainst…

I remember first coming across Propagandhi’s How to Clean Everything around mid‐late 1994. I was becoming more aware of how fucked up many things were in the world – yet not fully able to grasp or comprehend what was actually going on and why. Recently prior to this, I had an epiphany – one that I could not fully explain: it was wrong to hurt animals which led to my becaming a vegetarian. Hearing nailing Descartes to the wall / (liquid) meat is still murder really helped me clarify some things and began the process, for me, of opening my eyes to deeper issues. It was the …

I have wanted to write about the film V for Vendetta for some time now. I have held back to give myself some time to critically think on it and watch it a few more times. In one line, I guess I can describe it as the best mainstream film dealing with issues of anarchism, nonviolence and our complicity/consent in perpetuating inequality – by far. It may come to be one of my favourite films of all time! With each time I watch it, I pick up more and more subtle inclusions that further increase my appreciation of the Wachowski brothers efforts in putting it together. I had read the comic before th…