I have followed reactions to Ruby Roth’s That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals, seeking to both gage and reflect on underlying assumptions and rationales. Some of the more recent responses, the rationales on which they are based, piqued my interest. I think I have come up with an interesting basis on which to reflect. From the number of written responses, (mis)representations, and attempts at dismissing Ruby Roth’s, there appears a common rationale. This rationale is based on rationality both in the sense that masculine rationality is the dominant western approach to epistemology and ontology — how…

It has quietened down of late, though the controversy surrounding Japanese whaling in the Pacific emerged again a few months ago. Public debate was bolstered by both the renewed action of Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace (particularly Sea Shepherd volunteers boarding the Yushin Maru No.2 and subsequently being ‘kidnapped’ in January) and the Australian Governments talk of undertaking surveillance of the Japanese Fleet (Air and Sea). Criticism of Japanese whaling largely stems from opposition to eating whales based on whales being majestic creatures, bundled in with the myth of a scientifi…

I have been involved in discussions on the Vegan Freak forums with a number of people about the links between speciesism and capitalism, and have had a number of sticky questions raised that I have dwelt on for tangible examples for some time. Whilst testing by bike trailer set‐up along the waterfront trail in the city I am currently in, I crossed paths with several people enjoying being outside, the ambiance of the waterside and being (at least partly) away from the machinations if industrial capital/urban sprawl and the relations of capital more broadly Some of these…